jMonkeyEngine is a modern developer friendly game engine written primarily in Java.
Its minimalistic and code first approach makes it perfect for developers who want the support of a game engine while retaining full control over their code with the ability to extend and adapt the engine to their workflow.

Mythruna powered by jMonkeyEngine

Mythruna (myth + rune + a) is a game under development attempting to combine serious role playing elements with an endless, living, and completely modifiable randomly generated sandbox world. When …
See game page

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JMonkeyEngine 3.7.0-stable release

We’re proud to announce the release of version 3.7.0-stable of the JMonkeyEngine game engine.
And here’s a big “thank you!” to Adi Barda, who managed that release.

The new release is featured in version v3.7.0-stable-sdk2 of our Software Development Kit.
Pre-compiled libraries are available from the Maven Central repository under the “org.jmonkeyengine” groupID.
Release notes are online at

Development of a 3.8 release has already begun. Ryan McDonough is managing that effort. Please support him in any way you can.

For the latest news and discussion of JMonkeyEngine software development, visit the Development category at the JME Community Hub/Forum.
