jMonkeyEngine is a modern developer friendly game engine written primarily in Java.
Its minimalistic and code first approach makes it perfect for developers who want the support of a game engine while retaining full control over their code with the ability to extend and adapt the engine to their workflow.

Skullstone powered by jMonkeyEngine

Skullstone – a retro styled grid-based dungeon crawler RPG inspired by the good old titles such as Dungeon Master, Stonekeep, Eye of Beholder and many other classics. In a few words – a party of …
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Host migration and funding

As you might have noticed already, our services were progressively migrated, during the month of October, to a cloud provider that, I believe, provides the best price/quality for our project. Up till now we have been using amazon aws with one year of credits donated by @adi.barda, that allowed us to never use any of our community fund, but from now on you will see monthly expenses submitted to the fund to pay for hosting and related services. … Read More...

Update in the wake of recent events

Hello fellow community members. Probably most of you know already, but one of the team members left the community due to an internal disagreement. From his departure I took over his role, reconfigured our services to use easily redeployable docker containers, tested for different configurations and load and migrated everything to a different cloud provider with a plan that I believe is more suitable to our needs. … Read More...
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